Noriyuki Hamada An example of genus-$2$ smallest Lefschetz fibration and pencil An example of genus-$2$ Lefschetz fibration over the $2$-sphere having the minimal number of critical points (which is $7$) was given by Xiao in an algebro-geometric manner in the 1980s, but its monodromy representation was not explicit. It had been the only known example utill recently Baykur-Korkmaz finally discovered an explicit monodromy factorization that gives a smooth Lefschetz fibration of Xiao's type. In this talk, we review their construction and simplify its vanishing cycles. Furthermore, we give a set of three disjoint $(-1)$-sections of that fibration, which in turn yields a minimal Lefschetz pencil. Some applications will be also discussed. This is a joint work with R. I. Baykur (University of Massachusetts) and M. Korkmaz (Middle East Technical University).