Delphine POL Title: Logarithmic forms along higher codimensional subspaces Abstract: The purpose of this talk is to study a notion of logarithmic forms along reduced complete intersections or Cohen-Macaulay subspaces which is introduced by A. G. Aleksandrov and A. Tsikh as a generalization of the logarithmic forms along reduced hypersurfaces developped by K. Saito. A natural question which then arises is to generalize the notion of freeness to spaces of higher codimension. In this talk, I will first recall the hypersurface case, and we will then consider logarithmic forms, logarithmic vector fields and residues along higher codimensional spaces. In particular, we will give several characterizations of freeness which extend the hypersurface case. In the last part of my talk, I will give examples which are related to subspace arrangements.