Masahiko YOSHINAGA Title: Tutte polynomials in geometry and combinatorics. Abstract: The Tutte polynomial is an invariant of a finite graph, which is a polynomial in two variables. Tutte polynomials have lots of specializations, e.g., chromatic polynomial, Jones polynomials of alternating links, partition functions of Ising models, the expectation of chromatic polynomials of random graphs, etc. Recently L. Moci invented "arithmetic Tutte polynomials" associated to a finite list of integer vectors (more generally, to a finite list of elements in a finitely generated abelian groups). Arithmetic Tutte polynomials also carry lots of informations on topology of toric arrangements and enumerative problems of zonotopes. In this talk, we first recall definitions of Tutte and arithmetic Tutte polynomials and survey the above results. Then we introduce G-Tutte polynomials which unify the above and other polynomial invariants. (The second half of this talk is based on a joint work with Ye Liu, Tan Nhat Tran.)