M. Ishikawa (Keio) Title: Positive flow-spines and contact 3-manifolds Abstract: "A contact structure is a smooth distribution of hyperplanes on an odd-dimensional manifold that is non-integrable everywhere. In the case of dimension 3, there is a nice relationship between open book decompositions of 3-manifolds and contact structures up to contactomorphisms, called Giroux correspondence. A flow-spine is a spine of a 3-manifold admitting a flow such that it is transverse to the spine and the flow in the complement of the spine is diffeomorphic to a constant flow in an open ball. In this talk, we introduce some results in progress that give a correspondence between contact structures and positive flow-spines by regarding Reeb vector fields as flows of spines. This is a joint work with Ippei Ishii, Yuya Koda and Hironobu Naoe."