Thang Le (Georgia Institute of Technology) Title: "Growth of torsion homology in finite coverings" Abstract: "Suppose X is a finite CW complex and (X_n) is a sequence of finite coverings of X. We will discuss the growth of the torsion part of the homology groups of X_n with integer coefficients. When the coverings are abelian, under some assumption on the exhaustion of the covering, we show that the growth of the torsion homology is given by the Mahler measure of the first non-zero (multivariable) Alexander polynomial of the corresponding homology group of the univerval abelian covering. When X is a hyperbolic 3-manifold, we show the growth of the torsion homology is bounded from above by the hyperbolic volume, and it is conjectured that this bound is exact. It turns out that this conjecture, if proved, is stronger than a recent result of Kojima and McShane on the relation between the dilitation of a pseudo-Anosov homeomorphisms and the hyperbolic volume of the mapping torus, and also a conjecture of McMullen, now proved by Liu and Hadari, about the homological dilitation of pseudo-Anosov homeomorphisms."