Withdrawal for the last year (2010 academic year) of Core-to-Core Program [Hiroshima 18005]                 Chair in Japan side, Makoto Matsumoto Thank you for your support to this program.  The program was, approved by JSPS, extended to the period of 2006-2011. Thanks to JSPS and all the members of the program, the project works very smoothly, and is going to attain its purpose: "establishing a strong and stable internatinal research network." In particular, those young Japanese researchers, supported to stay at foreign research institutes, have been benefitted a lot, absorbing the flontier of the research, and proving new results. It is sure that such international relationship will be kept and developped by these young researchers. However, I am moving from Hiroshima University to University of Tokyo, on 2010 April 1st. The project is a contract between Hiroshima University and JSPS, and the mission is to construct research core at Hiroshima Univ for the international network. After some discussion with Hiroshima University, Department of Mathematics, and JSPS, we think it quite difficult to continue the program as it has been. It is very regretful, but we decided to cancel the last year, 2010 academic year (2010 April to 2011 March). As the Japanese coordinator, and the person who caused this trouble, I would like to say I am sorry for this cancellation to JSPS, the members of the project, and all persons involved. Lastly: this project is highly appreciated from foreign researchers (as well as domestic researchers), and I heard many opinions like "even one-year shrinking is very pitiful" "couldn't we apply the same, or a similar program?" Yes, we shall search a chance. I have been attending "Fontaine Conference" at Paris, during 2010 March 22-26. There I met (French coordinator) Jean-Marc Fontaine, (Italian coordinator) Bruno Chiarelotto, and many others, and share a common idea: "we shall seek and continue the international network project, similar to this core-to-core 18005." Thank you for your attention. 2010 March 27th Makoto Matsumoto (at Paris, immediately after "Fontaine conference" at IHP).